Friday, 23 September 2011

Hey Nintendo! Where's my CD? [Update: 04/10/11]

Really, Nintendo, where is my Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D Soundtrack?

I bought The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D on release, well, a pre-order, which is the same thing. I registered it with Club Nintendo the same day I got it, I got court up in the glitch with the website so waited till there was another way to order it... Which I did, I even got the Email.

So, Nintendo Europe, where is my CD? You said it would take up to 8 weeks, its been longer than that, I have sent you 2 emails asking for information, which you haven't replied to. I would sent a tweet to your twitter, but Nintendo Europe, you don't have a twitter account. What else can I do?

I like you Nintendo, I really do, hell, I bought a 3DS on Day 1 and I have pre-orderd the Limited Edition Skyward Sword - I'm a Zelda Fanboy and you are depriving me of my Zelda Music Nintendo Europe.

I would send another email, but would you read it? Would you read this? Would Nintendo of America read it if I sent it to there twitter? Will I ever get the soundtrack?

Lets see, shall we.

Update: 30/09/11 - So I tried to email Nintendo Europe again, this time using there website contact form, its just a shame that THERE WEBSITE IS SHIT! The submit button brings up a 403 Forbidden error. That doesn't help! I'll have to try again on Monday afternoon, I will get this Soundtrack!

Update: 03/10/11 - Tried again, hoping they had fixed the contact form. They haven't... Doubt they even know its borked. So I have sent and email to the webmaster using the address on the 403 page and will try again later or tomorrow. If its not sorted by then, I might end up phoning them - That should be fun.

Update: 04/10/11 - Send an email to the other email address, got a bit closer to an answer because I got an auto-response. Admittedly that could mean one of 2 things, 1) The auto response is fobbing people off thinking they will get a reply or 2) They actually read the emails. Here is hoping they actually read the dam thing.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

CoH Charity Marathon 2011: A[nother] Stupid Idea

I know, all the CoH Marathon stuff goes on Pure Boredom now, but this isn't in anyway the plan for the marathon...yet. You see, I have had, a very very stupid idea...

Recently, there have been a lot of places doing 24 hour gaming marathons for charity on various different games that is has made it sort of an everyday thing. And I want the Real World Hero marathon to stand out, there is only one way to do that....

Stream and Play City of Heroes for 48 Hours!

Yes, you read that right, 48 Hours - 2 Days, 2880 Minutes, 172,800 Seconds!

The way I see it is - Anything is possible, but could mine and Ed's body's handle it, could we realistic stay away and play a game for, what would actually be longer than 48 Hours. Could the computer handle City of Heroes (not in Ultra Mode this time), the streaming software and the camera at the same time for 2 days.

Something like this would take a hell of a lot more planning than last year and a hell of a lot more support needed.

But yeah, thought I would post this, if just to get opinions (getting told I'm an idiot lol) - The things I do... lol

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Windows 8 Dev Preview: First Impressions

Well, the Windows 8 Dev Preview has been out for a few days, I have been trying to install it for a few days in VirtualBox and it was constantly failing - Not Windows 8 fault, hardware visualisation wasn't on, but that's a different story.

So, these are my first impressions of Windows 8 Developer Preview. The impressions of a normal Windows User and not a Dev or a real Power User.

It took about 15 minutes for a clean install on VirtualBox, its exactly the same as the Windows 7 install.

Login Screen:
Oh boy, this is where it all changes, I'm not sure if it was set up for a tablet, but before I could even type my password, I had to flick up a screen with the date and time on it, very annoying. After you flick that up, you come to the login screen proper.
Couple of differences, your picture is bigger and the input for your password is in the top right corner, that's about it.

The desktop is exactly the same, except the start button is square and gray.

Start Menu:
Oh. My. God! I'm hating it all ready! If you have seen the Windows Phone 7 UI you will know all about it, I haven't used Windows Phone 7 so I cant really compare - But the Metro interface isn't right for a Desktop Operating System. Your programes are right at the back of the menu, in tiny 200x200ish squares where as anything Microsoft are at the front and various different sizes.
I really hope you can change this in its final release.

Internet Explorer:
Take what you know about browsers now, and throw it all in the bin! The UI is very minimal and at the bottom of the screen. Its usable, but then comes another problem...

You Cannot Close Software... Really, there is no X button in the top right corner like we are all used to, unless you use the windows button on your keyboard, I didn't try it, because I just though of it lol, but throw everything you know about windows in windows, really. Its going to get really annoying, really fast.

So, that's my first impressions of a quick go of Windows 8 before Doctor Who. I'll power it up again tomorrow and update this post with more detail and possibly some screenshots. I just hope you can change it to look like windows 7.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Game Pickup's 15/09/11

Picked up some games today, well 5 PS2 games for £10 (or £3 each), good considering what I got :P

Resident Evil 4 Steel Tin Edition - Replacement for a lost copy
Final Fantasy X2 - A Platinum Copy, but cant complain
Project Zero 2 - This goes for about £20-£30 on eBay
The Godfarther Limited Edition - Never played it, never seen the films, so yeah lol
Timesplitters 2 - Played the first one, cant remember anything from it :P

Erm... That is all lol

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Did I Forget the Past?

It suck to bring up the past, even more so when the past your bringing up is something bad, back in April I made 2 posts here, both on the sad side, but its time to forget them, because...

I'm Back Baby! That's right, say goodbye to my life because I'm back in Second Life!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been exchanging emails and actually logged on after over a year to speak to the person I shall not name to protect our privacy and she asked me to come back, not just to hang around, but to be a proper member of the group again!

Its long, complicated and a bit personal as to the circumstance as to my going back (and leaving), but starting either tonight or tomorrow, I'm officially back!

Still a bit nervous about it all, a lot has changed, but a lot has stayed the same, but everyone knows I'm going to need some time to get back into the swing of things, I am after all, a noob again.

And on another, yet related note: Yahoo email officially sucks! It turns out that not only did it take 2 months for the first email to start this chain of events to come, it turns out that she sent me an email at Christmas - AND I DIDN'T GET IT!!!! So I scrapped the Yahoo address and moved everything over to Gmail with a redundant fail safe to make sure I get the emails (Its set up with forwarding to my main address and both POP3 and IMAP, so I get the mail 3 times lol).

So yeah, bye bye life :P

Friday, 2 September 2011

Tales of Cleaning BigBertha

For some reason, I always put off cleaning the computer. Its lazyness, having to take it downstairs, cleaning off the table, its annoying.

Well, today, I cleaned the computer, with some compressed air to give it a good deep clean and on my was it dusty! The majority of it came from the massive case fan and under the hard drive mount thingy.

There was also a part missing - I have never been able to get the cover for the motherboard on, but I managed it today, so there's one hole covered, just got to cover the unused PCIe slots. I'm a bit pissed too, there is no room for proper cable management, luckily all the cables where out the way of anything that needs air flow, mebbies I should have spend a little extra with the PSU and got a moulder one, oh well lol.

Of course you need at least one screw up when doing something like this, I wired the case fan wrong, well, not wrong exactly, I just forgot to connect it to the PSU, one good thing came out of it though, there is another set of LEDs on the case, a symbol on the front, looks like /\+, I'm guessing its the brand of the case, its never been on before, but it is now, nifty lol.