Thursday, 8 September 2011

Did I Forget the Past?

It suck to bring up the past, even more so when the past your bringing up is something bad, back in April I made 2 posts here, both on the sad side, but its time to forget them, because...

I'm Back Baby! That's right, say goodbye to my life because I'm back in Second Life!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been exchanging emails and actually logged on after over a year to speak to the person I shall not name to protect our privacy and she asked me to come back, not just to hang around, but to be a proper member of the group again!

Its long, complicated and a bit personal as to the circumstance as to my going back (and leaving), but starting either tonight or tomorrow, I'm officially back!

Still a bit nervous about it all, a lot has changed, but a lot has stayed the same, but everyone knows I'm going to need some time to get back into the swing of things, I am after all, a noob again.

And on another, yet related note: Yahoo email officially sucks! It turns out that not only did it take 2 months for the first email to start this chain of events to come, it turns out that she sent me an email at Christmas - AND I DIDN'T GET IT!!!! So I scrapped the Yahoo address and moved everything over to Gmail with a redundant fail safe to make sure I get the emails (Its set up with forwarding to my main address and both POP3 and IMAP, so I get the mail 3 times lol).

So yeah, bye bye life :P

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