Friday, 14 October 2011

Young Unemployed

Take your mind back, back to 2003/2004 and the time when the Government gave more help to those over 25 get back into work than it did 18-24 year old. Now bring your mind back to 2011, where the government is giving more help to the 18-24 year olds get back to work than the over 25s....

This pisses me off - When I younger than 24, I got no help from the Job Centre to get into work, no matter how hard I tried, I got nothing, then as soon as I hit 25, its announced that there going to be helping the 18-24 years old more.

Why is it that I'm always on the edge of these schemes, so I'm getting the raw end of the deal. If the government gave equal attention to everyone, and not just one age group, this country would be a lot better off than it is now. Not that it helps, not many jobs in my neck of the woods, especially now with councils having to make mega cuts, which means less public service jobs, something the North East has the most people employed in.

I'm not going to get into a Labour vs ConDem (Conservatives and Liberal Democrats) debate here. Lets just say, if you were born in 1984 (like me) or the beginning of 1985, regardless who is in charge, you have always gotten the short end of the deal, both in Education and Employment - Or at least that's how its been for me in my 26 years on this earth.

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