Monday, 25 July 2011

The Avanta Files - Follow Up

So, I have started 'The Avanta Files' blog and forums and as far as I can tell, except for 2 things - Its finished and ready to go live - But I am not making it live just yet, 7th of August for that, the day before I start Avanta for real.

Hopefully I will have the main thing on the to-do list done, the other isn't that important, just aesthetics, but everything else is ready to go.

Thats all, just an update for a project I am working on :)

Monday, 18 July 2011

Operation: Penetrate Avanta

I got into the Avanta building, I wasn't happy. Apparently they have been sending letters, but I still never got anything, they say they have sent 'failure to attend notices', again, not got them - So obviously they are trying to blame me for this whole shit storm - No!

The branch tried to fob me off to the call centre, all they could do was re-arrange the appointment (8th August at 1pm) and put a note on the system, when I go down on the 8th, before they even get a chance to start the interview/session whatever they do, I will be telling them again about this whole thing and have all the black marks taken off the system, because its not my fault, it never has been my fault, they fucked up and they will pay the price.

Also, I have a update on 'The Avanta Files' blog - I'm going to be working on it not long after this post, I'll be building it on Syphernet because I want some forums as well as a blog for others to post there stories (if it gets out there), I'll backlog these posts too.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Avanta Files?

So, I had a idea when taking Spike for a walk last night - A totally separate blog for all the Back to Work stuff called 'The Avanta Files'.

It wont just be for me to post my story's about them and it wont be just for Avanta but the other place (Ingnius or something like that), I would set it up using word-press or a word-press download on Syphernet and a small forum for others to post.

If its gonna happen, I have to sort out getting into the building first, that should happen tomorrow.

So, the question is:
Should I keep all my Back to Work Program posts here or keep this blog for rants, games and other random stuff?

Friday, 15 July 2011

Avanta, the place of non-exsistance - Part 2

I know where Avanta are based, only took 2 weeks and they don't advertise themselves very well - Hey, not my fault - Looks like I'm the one going to them. Thing is, still have no idea how to get to them, the dole's advice... Go into the cafe below and ask them - What the Fuck tbh...

Should be fun, formulated a plan in my head, not like it will go to plan, but a plan none the less.

I'll get back to you all on what happens there.

In other, related news - The dole gave me wrong info again, I was told I don't have to take any sort of job log with me to sign, but I do, guy before me didn't, but I did - And so it starts all over again.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Avanta, the place of non-exsistance [Updated 04/07/11]


So, I'm meant to start this Back to Work thing today, got to be at Avanta for 1pm. There is just one small problem...
I don't have there address, or phone number...
And I'm not the only one... The Job Centre don't have this information either.

Yup, when I went to sign today, I asked the nice lady who signed me if she had any idea, she didn't but she went to ask the supervisor, so we went to see him - Unfortunately, even he had no idea and he was as shocked as I was at the lack of communication from them.

Long story short, he put a note on the system about what happened and said if they ring you about not going, just tell them what I told the Job Centre. - I have a feeling its going to come back and bite me in the arse, badly, they can stop any money without going through the Job Centre, but I have done all I can, I went to the only source who might have some idea, and Avanta haven't even told them where there based.

Its there fault, not mine, I have officially done everything I can for information, If it does come back to bite me in the arse like I suspect, then they will have a fight on there hands - I'm sort of looking forward to it :)

I'll update this post too with the outcome of the phone call from them I will no doubt get

Update (5:45pm): No phone call from them, this isn't really a good thing because it looks like they will just do what they do if you don't turn up. I still have the Job Centre on my side, but I might be without money until this whole thing is sorted.

Update (04/07/11): Still no call from them, I have a feeling I am going to be screwed over by them, even though I still have the Job Centre on my side, things could go very wrong.