Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Forgetting the Past...

For about 3 Years, I was on Second Life and I had the time of my life!
Honest Truth Time - There was times I wished I was sucked into it just like in .hack//SIGN. I really liked being there and it was because of a group of people I met there, a group of people I never want to forget.

But now its been over a year since I left and only 4 people know the real reason I left, everyone else thought it was because of Real Life getting in the way, but the real reason is, I started to loose touch with them. Loose touch as in, the group had to cater to the majority and the majority where women... I was the only guy in this group.

As what would have been my 5 year anniversary passes and close to 18 months since I left, I'm starting to think I should move on from the thoughts of what was a second family, but I feel I would be betraying the memory of the good times we had - which out weighed the bad times 10/1.
But there is conflict. My heart tells me it wants to think about them, and it wants me to log in to see them, but my head tells me its a bad idea, they have moved on and forgotten about you, its time you did the same. Not only that, my heart knows when the best times would be and keeps telling me, it can get annoying at times.

There is something that doesn't help matters, but I'm really not sure if it was serious or not, I was told to keep in touch, I know I haven't and I know I should have, but just turning up after a year away - What would the welcome be? And could I do what I really wanted to, go back to how it was?

*takes a deep breath* I'm shaking while writing this post, actually seeing the options written in front of me written by my own hands brings home how serious this is to me, you may call me sad for this, and that is your right - But these people changed my life, its something that should never be forgotten, but sometimes, letting go is the right thing to do.

This Hurts =(

Update: The date I left was 15th January 2010, I wasn't sure of the date but I knew it was around then .

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