Friday, 22 April 2011

I Stopped a Brake-In....

Holy fuck, I really did! So let me set the scene *waive lines to.. last night*

So there I was, about 2am on the 22nd April 2011, taking the dog for a walk, like I do every night - Now, I have seen some things in the 4 years I have done this, mostly involving drunk people. This time... This time was no exception.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see some guy in the drive way of the house at the end of the street, silly in itself, they have a CCTV camera (don't know if its real or it works or not tbh), at the time all I'm thinking is "I didn't know he went out" thinking its the guy who lives there. But then he walks out the front and starts walking.... To the next house.

So he gets to the gates to the garage of the house next door, stops, looks and climes over and starts to go towards there back yard - Well, I'm having none of this in MY street, so I shout over to him, and thus the story really begins.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Avoiding the Royal Wedding

We all know what's happening on the 29th of April and if you don't, you are the lucky ones!

That's right, Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married and its going to be all over the TV between now and the big day. What? It all ready is? Fucksocks!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of the Royal Family, but I really, really cant be arsed with this wedding, I can't be arsed with weddings most times, thinking about it, I think the only one I have been to is my dad's 2nd marriage when I was a nipper, where I was usher, or meant to be, photographer wanted me in the shots with dad and best man, because, well, I'm his first born lol.
Long story short, I hate weddings.

So how the hell can you avoid what is likely the biggest event in the world this year?

Idea 1) Play Games All Day
Idea 2) Watch Films/TV Box Sets All Day
Idea 3) Leave the Country
Idea 4) SLEEP ALL DAY! (and night)
Idea 5) Stream Something (I have an idea all ready :P)

Yeah, could do anything, as long as its not watching TV or Leaving the House lol.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Forgetting The Past... Follow up

So, last night I couldn't sleep, though I did manage 9 hours or so about 6am. While I was sat at the computer trying to tire myself out, I decided to write an email to the people mentioned in the last post.

Now, I haven't sent this email and to be honest, I don't think I ever will, its just been too long and they have most likely forgotten about me. Well, I might send it, but if I do, I'll probably be drunk when I do (I only really drink once or twice a month if you don't know).

Okey, so, below is the email I wrote at about 4am. Some things have been changed, you can tell what because there in [ ] thingys [like this] and there changed to protect privacy.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Forgetting the Past...

For about 3 Years, I was on Second Life and I had the time of my life!
Honest Truth Time - There was times I wished I was sucked into it just like in .hack//SIGN. I really liked being there and it was because of a group of people I met there, a group of people I never want to forget.

But now its been over a year since I left and only 4 people know the real reason I left, everyone else thought it was because of Real Life getting in the way, but the real reason is, I started to loose touch with them. Loose touch as in, the group had to cater to the majority and the majority where women... I was the only guy in this group.

As what would have been my 5 year anniversary passes and close to 18 months since I left, I'm starting to think I should move on from the thoughts of what was a second family, but I feel I would be betraying the memory of the good times we had - which out weighed the bad times 10/1.
But there is conflict. My heart tells me it wants to think about them, and it wants me to log in to see them, but my head tells me its a bad idea, they have moved on and forgotten about you, its time you did the same. Not only that, my heart knows when the best times would be and keeps telling me, it can get annoying at times.

There is something that doesn't help matters, but I'm really not sure if it was serious or not, I was told to keep in touch, I know I haven't and I know I should have, but just turning up after a year away - What would the welcome be? And could I do what I really wanted to, go back to how it was?

*takes a deep breath* I'm shaking while writing this post, actually seeing the options written in front of me written by my own hands brings home how serious this is to me, you may call me sad for this, and that is your right - But these people changed my life, its something that should never be forgotten, but sometimes, letting go is the right thing to do.

This Hurts =(

Update: The date I left was 15th January 2010, I wasn't sure of the date but I knew it was around then .