Wednesday, 23 February 2011

If I had my own place...

There are some advantages you have when living with your mum, aunt and sister, your internet and TV are paid for, all the utilities are paid for, does your washing and food. You don't have much to do really.

But there are disadvantages, or at least there is for me. I cant record or stream without them asking what the hell im doing, or being told your a "freak" (thats my sister saying that) because your talking into a camera for it to be uploaded to the internet.

That is the biggest disadvantage for me - Because I like making videos, I liked streaming what I could during the marathon (which is hopefully coming back for the next Real World Hero event, only better). If it wasn't for living with the family, I would have a lot more videos out there than I do now.

Which leads me to the title, If I had my own place. I could record when I want, have a lot more space for a more professional set up (lights, green screen, whatever). But I cant afford it, Electricity and Gas bills are through the roof right now, so is Council Tax, Mortgages are going up so Rent has to go up to cover that. Internet and TV would be about £60/month just because I would miss the speed and all the channels and there is the phone bill at £50/month.

So it would be very nice if I had my own place, but bloody hell it would cost a fortune.

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