Monday, 29 November 2010

An Open Letter to Job Centre Plus, DWP and Iain Duncan Smith

Dear Job Centre, Department for Work Pensions and Iain Duncan Smith,

Have you ever heard about something called a "Genuine Error"? I don't think you have, you see, on Friday 19th of November 2010, I forgot to pick my ES4 form up when I went to sign, once I noticed, it was a bit too late to run home and grab it. The desk monkey who saw me wasn't impressed, for she took me to see someone about it, now, the guy who saw me I have had dealings with before, and he is one of the most fair people I know who works for JSP, he went through the forms he had no choice but to fill in and send off. This is where it all started!

A suspension was placed on my claim, even though I said that I would take my job search evidence in, which I did the following Wednesday, to which the fair JSP person sent them off.

Now, jump forward to Monday, I had been assured that the suspension would be lifted because of the evidence I had taken in, and when I check my bank account, what's missing? That's right, no money. Looks like it hasn't been lifted.

I guess you all don't live in the real world, because at the time, the only 2 jobs that I could reasonably apply for, where 2 hours 32 minutes away on Public Transport, 1 Hour 2 Minutes longer than the 'travel to work area' and thats not all, they where also the only 2 results within 30 miles for Data Input (or data inputter on your website database, you should really fix that), oh and the list of results I gave you, the majority of them results needed something called Sage... I cant use Sage, I don't have the training in Sage, I can't afford the training in Sage

Long story short, there is no jobs for me in this area, and I'm limited until February until I can apply to places like Asda, Morrisons and Tesco because I applyed within 6 months.

As of typing this open letter, I haven't phoned to check if it a error on your part, although I have an idea of what is going to be said, I should phone now, I should check if its a Genuine Error on your part (see, you make them too, that's called life).

Its a shame this letter wont be seen by many, because there will be more than me in the same situation, and it might start to make you see sense, that's not asking for much, is it?

Yours Whateverly
Anthony "DancingBeaver" Jackson

I'll edit this with the results of the phone call
Update 1: Suspension still in place, can expect a phone call sometime after 3:30pm today [laughs]
Update 2: Just called me back, its 'with the decision makers now' should have results either tomorrow [Tuesday] or Wednesday

Update 3: Its Wednesday again, and still no money in the Bank, going to phone again shortly

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