Holy fuck is it hard to get hold of Old Games in Hartlepool, there are 3 chain game shops in the town (one is a franchise) and only the franchise one sells old games, not even charity shops get ones older than Playstation or Playstation 2, unless of course they do get really old ones, they just don't put them out - I must pop in one day and ask about that.
The only place I can reliably get old games is ebay and that isn't a good thing, there a bit... overpriced.
Why is it easier in the US to get them, you see videos all the time of what people pick up randomly looking around "thrift stores" (that's right isn't it?), hell there is even a chain store dedicated to old junk called Bookman's (again, is that right?)- We need one of them here :(
If anyone from the UK is reading this, and has any old games for any console they wanna get rid of, give me a shout, I might take them off your hands :)
Arg, I wanna up my collection, but I cant *cries*
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